Baby Photoshoot

baby 1 year old photography singapore

  • For 3m old - 6m old, please choose the setting from the following webpage

  • For 7m old - 1yr old (sitter), please choose the setting from the following webpage

Outfits are provided, you can choose to wear your own clothes too.

  1. Let baby rest well and have sufficient sleep before the photoshoot.

  2. Prepare outfits for family photos. Plain pastel colours are preferred. Some hair accessories for girls.

  3. Prepare milk, snacks and water for baby. We can have a snack break or 30min power nap during the photoshoot when baby gets tired.

  4. Prepare some toys that baby like the most

  5. Note down games/tricks/ that baby likes to play and videos that baby likes to watch. Example: peekaboo, spin objects, roll balls, watching baby shark.

Macpherson Area, please double confirm via whatsapp